show or hide item from collection based on each site members

Hello all,
Pretty new to Wix Code

i need to show or hide item from collection based on each site members,basically if the user does not have that item or it is null in the collection then i want to hide that column or section. the focus is the logged in user not general user

Thank you!

Hello! If you have javascript knowledge already, working in Velo won’t be difficult.

You will want to take a look at the wix members API to be able to tell who the current logged in user is and then you can review wix data to learn how to query the collection based on whatever parameters you need

I would also recommend learning the basics of Velo to familiarize yourself which can be found in Getting Started in the API documentation

As you work, you will want to add code snippets of what you have tried and where you are stuck so that developers in our community can offer guidance.