Slider with text, buttons etc

Hello, Editor X newbie here. Sorry I’ve seen a few others asking about this issue but the posts go back over a year so I’m hoping there has been an update? I’m just trying to do a basic slider, one with images/overlayed text/arrows/dots etc. I acknowledge the cliché nature of such a feature but guaranteed its going to be the first thing every single one of my clients asks for.

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I understand that you want to create a slideshow. This component is not supported yet in Editor X. It should be released in the near future.

In the meantime check workaround with code here

I second your question. :blush:

some of us have been clamoring for this since like…January…they keep saying it’s coming soon…I wonder what they mean by “the near future.”

I think it just keeps getting pushed. Sigh…pardon my frustration.

I’ve tried the work around but it’s been just as frustrating to get it to work.

Thanks all. Yes perhaps I’m not the typical Editor X user but sliders are such a fundamental element of a vast majority of sites out there, it’s surprising this wasn’t one of the very first features. Please please please make it a priority! :slight_smile: Other than that, my experience with Editor X after a short time has been mostly great. Coming from using Adobe Muse, Wix and more recently Webflow, Editor X was an easy transition and has come a long way in a short time. Still a way to go, but I’m excited to see how it progresses.

Any news on sliders? Just had a client ask for a testimonials slider, please tell me I don’t have to send another embarrassing email.

Hi there - looking for the same - whats the latest please? Thanks!

at this point our developers’ released 2 features which could assist you with this: multistate boxes and layouter with slider option you can use
along with this we are going to release soon slides layout for layouter you could use