SlideShow fade out

So i created a slideshow using MultiState Boxes, and it’s working smoothly. But i only have one problem.
I don’t know how to make the videos i placed in each box fade out as it transitions to the next box.
this is my slideshow code

$w . onReady ( function () {
var states = [ ‘state1’ , ‘state2’ , ‘state3’ ];
var stateNumber = 0 ;

function  slideShow () { 
    $w ( '#multiStateBox1' ). changeState ( states [ stateNumber ]); 
    if  ( stateNumber  <  states . length  -  1 ) { 
        stateNumber ++; 
    }  **else**  { 
        stateNumber  =  0 ; 
    setTimeout ( slideShow ,  6000 ); 
slideShow (); 


Please any help would be much appreciated

async function slideShow(){
	await $w('#videoElement').hide("fade");

This can be a simple approach, but you will need to see where to further modify it t recognize which video to hide when, and also might need to bring it back to view with show() for the slideshow repeat.

Thank you very much, would try it out