SOLVED: Hide Wix Gallery Pro on dynamic page if database image field is empty?

I’m attempting to trick a Pro Gallery called #gallery2 into collapsing when a 1x1 pixel image titled “Blank” is set as a gallery image.
I have a dynamic page, but not every project has an image, so I want the large space where the gallery is to collapse.

import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;

$w.onReady( function (){
$w( “#dynamicDataset” ).onReady(() => {
console.log( “check” )

function imageMngr() {
$w( “#gallery2” ).currentItem
if ($w( “#gallery2” ).currentItem.title !== “Blank” ) {
$w( “#gallery2” ).collapse()
else {$w( “#gallery2” ).expand()}


Hey! I have basically the same thing setup on my site. I have my gallery in a strip, and when there are no images in the gallery database field I have the strip collapse with the following code.
You could remove the “blank” image and just leave the field empty and this should work.

import wixData from 'wix-data';

$w.onReady(function () {
    $w("#dynamicDataset").onReady(() => {
 var item = $w("#dynamicDataset").getCurrentItem();
 if (item["your field title"] === undefined) 
 else $w("#extensionStrip").expand();

Hey thanks a lot! This worked.
Follow up question, I think since I’m using this on a dynamic page, after the strip collapses, a strip following moves upward to take it’s place, but the footer doesn’t come with it, so there’s a large void about the size of the gallery at the page bottom.

Do dynamic pages have a static height even when something collapses? Maybe I’m doing something wrong though because on a different page (although not a dynamic page) I have a collapsing element at the top and the rest of the page tends to shift up or down accordingly including the footer.

@jmarsh4087 Glad to hear it’s working! I don’t think dynamic pages have any sort of height regulations (it doesn’t do this anywhere for me), but I know the standard rule is that if there is a distance greater than 70px between elements (like the footer and the next strip) then things won’t collapse properly.

These posts have some info that might help:

@lmeyer I didn’t know the 70 px rule, but I have experienced it so I always try to make the strips touch. At the end I can’t get any closer than 20 px from the last strip to the footer, but it still follows the rule.

I tried cut/pasting the whole page, but for some reason it still won’t work.

@jmarsh4087 I would double check to make sure that all the elements on the collapsing strip are attached to the strip. Sometimes an element can be sitting on a strip but not attached to it. Move it off the strip or container and drag it back in again until you see the “ATTACH HERE” message.

@lmeyer Made sure the gallery pro sits inside of the collapsing strip. I can tell it works because the bottom strip comes up towards the top meaning the gallery is collapsed in between.
I have tried:

  • cut/paste every element on the whole page individually
  • cut all 4 strips at once, reduce overall page size, then paste and adjust
  • use zoom out mode to reorder the strips in various orders, I can tell they are shuffling when I publish, but the white space is still at the bottom

I’m thinking of opening up a ticket with Wix support so they can go into it.

@jmarsh4087 I’m not sure! Those are all the things that have worked for me in the past. I hope you can get it figured out!

This is an old post, i know, but just came across this as i was googling for this same problem, you legends! thanks for having this community!