Hi, I’m looking for a way to display a date from the Database which looks well. I tried to use a Datepicker as described at https://support.wix.com/en/article/corvid-formatting-dates
The result I get is

I’m trying to get the date to appear with darker text, not with lighter “placeholder” text as it shows now.
I tried to follow the guidance below from the article I linked to, but it doesn’t save the settings, keeps on returning to “regular” instead of “disabled”
Did you do what it said above that image first, otherwise the datePicker will still be classed as usable and will be on normal settings
Make sure to set the date picker to be “Read-only” in its Settings panel. This disables the date picker so that the calendar does not pop up if your visitors click the date.

@givemeawhisky thanks, but sure, I did that.
I just figured out what I got wrong. I had misunderstood the article i quoted. I thought I was supposed to select input field disabled as a setting, and didn’t realize it meant I should select that in order to adjust the way it looks.