Hello, How do I get this to open in a new tab on button click?
I don’t know anything about coding, this code was created for me, please don’t direct me to an article. I need someone to put the necessary code into mine. I understand I need a “target blank” code but, I do not know where it goes and I can’t find any help online, I have searched for hours.
Thank you
You cannot open a new tab with wixLocation.
Only clickable links can be set to open a new tab via Velo.
There’s a way to open a new tab automatically using custom element (for premium accounts) but it’s more complicated and even then some browsers won’t let you open a link in new tab without a direct click.
Thank you so much!! - Okay this was the information I was finding. Is there a different way to write my code so that I can use a new-tab function? Essentially what I have is an input box where it recognizes specific numbers and redirects to specific links based on the inputted number.
Hello, I have added a hotel reservation bar to my site, I redirect to an external site with dynamic data. I used the code below, but I can’t open it in a new tab. Is there a way to do this?
// Wix Velo sayfa kodu
import wixLocation from ‘wix-location’;
$w.onReady(function () {
// Bugünün tarihini al
let today = new Date();
let tomorrow = new Date();
tomorrow.setDate(today.getDate() + 1); // Bir gün sonrasını ayarla
// DatePicker'lara varsayılan değerleri ata
$w('#datePickerIn').value = today;
$w('#datePickerOut').value = tomorrow;
// Tarih biçimlendirme fonksiyonu
function formatDate(date) {
let month = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0'); // Ay 0-11 arası olduğundan 1 ekliyoruz
let day = date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
let year = date.getFullYear();
return `${month}/${day}/${year}`;
$w('#submitButton').onClick(() => {
// DatePicker'lardan tarihleri al
let selectedDateIn = $w('#datePickerIn').value;
let selectedDateOut = $w('#datePickerOut').value;
// Eğer tarih seçilmemişse hata döndür
if (!selectedDateIn || !selectedDateOut) {
console.log('Lütfen hem giriş hem de çıkış tarihi seçiniz.');
// Tarihleri MM/DD/YYYY formatına dönüştür
let formattedDateIn = formatDate(selectedDateIn);
let formattedDateOut = formatDate(selectedDateOut);
// Dropdown'lardan değerleri al
let adults = $w('#adultsDropdown').value;
//let children = $w('#childrenDropdown').value;
let hotelID = $w('#hotelDropdown').value;
let languageID = 19;
let rooms = 1;
// Linki oluştur
let bookingLink = `https://bookings.travelclick.com/${hotelID}?Adults=${adults}&DateIn=${formattedDateIn}&DateOut=${formattedDateOut}&LanguageID=${languageID}&Rooms=${rooms}#/guestsandrooms`;
console.log(bookingLink); // Linki kontrol edebilir veya yönlendirme yapabilirsiniz.
// Kullanıcıyı linke yönlendir