Solved: One Random Item into a repeater

Hello, the code below works in that it does randomize the items but it loads ALL items into the repeater. I’d like to only load ONE random item. Can someone help me find what I need to change?

import { local } from ‘wix-storage’ ;
import wixLocation from ‘wix-location’ ;
import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’ ;
import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;
import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’ ;
let user = wixUsers . currentUser ;
let userId = user . id ;

let my_member_id = userId
let memberID = userId

$w . onReady ( function () {
//get the collection records
wixData . query ( “tips” )
. find ()
. then (( result ) => {
const shuffledArray = shuffleArray ( result . items );
//add the shuffled array data to then repeaters
$w ( ‘#tipRepeater’ ). data = shuffledArray ;
. catch (( err ) => {
let errorMsg = err ;

//random array index
function getRandomIndex ( min , max ) {
return Math . round ( Math . random () * ( max - min ) + min );

//shuffle array data
function shuffleArray ( dataArray ){

**for** ( **let**  i  =  dataArray . length  -  1 ;  i  >  0 ;  i --){ 
    **let**  index  =  getRandomIndex ( 0 ,  i ); 
    **const**  temp  =  dataArray [ i ]; 
    dataArray [ i ] =  dataArray [ index ]; 
    dataArray [ index ] =  temp ; 

**return**  dataArray ; 


Found a better way to do it…
No Repeater needed.

$w . onReady ( async function () {

**if**  ( wixWindow . rendering . renderCycle  ===  1 ) { 
    **let**  res  =  **await**  wixData . query ( "tips" ). find (); 
    **let**  items  =  res . items ; 
    **let**  count  =  items . length ; 
    **let**  rnd  =  Math . floor ( Math . random () *  count ); 
    $w ( '#tipname' ). text  =  items [ rnd ]. title ; 
    $w ( '#tipDesc' ). text  =  items [ rnd ]. tip_description ; 
    $w ( '#tipLink' ). link  =  items [ rnd ]. tip_link ; 
