[SOLVED] refresh the dropdown list

Dear sir or madam:
I am really new in wix and coding. Now I met a problem of refreshing the dropdown list with a button “reset”.
I searched through Google and Corvid, tried all but fail, could you please help me this?
The filter works well, but the “reset” button doesn’t work.
Is there anything I should do to adjust the button? Or the code has problem?
There is my web link: https://lingfengzyc.wixsite.com/yuchen/gategory
Thank you very much in advance!!!

(Don’t forget to register your button)

There is a way of resetting or clearing a dataset filter to show everything, but maybe you didn’t scroll down far enough in the examples on this page to see the way it needs to be coded:


Yes!!! That works!! Thank you soooo much!!!

in case someone met the same problem, I will post my solution here:
(Remember to register the button on the “property”)

@zyc378028556 Hello good evening sir !! this code is working but the placeholder text is not replacing with its original one instead it is keeping the dropdown list item