SOLVED: wix-http-functions 404 Error?!

I am trying to get a CSV download of a database that I have.
I am literally just testing @admin-23 example:
here and I keep getting a 404 error.
What blows my mind is that on the forum post the button link works, but on my published site I get the 404.

Go here:
press Download under Download “Business Directory”

I backtracked in function because while I did modify the code to fit my needs I just wanted to see if I got the 404 error with everything and turns out I do.

Here is my http-functions.js code so you can see where I am trying to go after I replace @Ido’s work.

Import { ok, created, badRequest, notFound, serverError } from 'wix-http-functions';
import wixData from 'wix-data';
let csvData = "items"
export function get_businessDirectory (request) {
let options = {
"headers": {
 "Content-Disposition": `attachment; filename= "list.csv"`
 "body": csvData
let query = wixData.query("Chamber_Business_Directory");
 if (request.query) {
 var query_keys = Object.keys(request.query);
        query_keys.forEach(function (entry) {
 if (request.query[entry] !== "all") {
                query = query.eq(entry, request.query[entry]);

 return query
        .then((results) => {
            // matching items were found
 if (results.items.length > 0) {
                options.body = {
                    "items": results.items
 return ok(options);
            // no matching items found
            options.body = {
                "error": `'${request.path[0]} ${request.path[1]}' was not found`
 return notFound(options);
        // something went wrong
        .catch((error) => {
            options.body = {
                "error": error
 return serverError(options);

I am doing this because chrome is not allowing to download sandbox .csv from iframe. Otherwise I have a working modified version of this:

This is so so frustrating has anyone also encountered the 404 ?!

You have a mistake in the request url. you put there get_getList instead of just getList .
Try this:

This worked! Thank you, J.D!

You’re welcome :slight_smile: