Hi team, I have been given javascript to add to the website from a financier. To be honest I have no idea about this stuff and their IT guys have just said - copy and paste and it will work.
Any ideas as to how I even go about this?
Frame loader Javascript
Add this script just above thetag on your web page.
iFrame Placeholder tag
Place this tag on the web page where you want the iFrame to appear.
You can’t embed HTML in a Wix Code page. You will want to use an HtmlComponent . For more information, see the article Working with the HTML Component in Wix Code .
A more secure way to handle web service requests is by using backend (server-side) code. Using backend code you can secure your passwords, API keys, and other secret information. The article Accessing 3rd Party Services explains how this is done. You can check with the supplier if they provide a REST interface which is needed with this method.
I hope this helps,
Thanks for your response. It does make sense (I think) but I am a marketing company and this is for a client. This level of tech (whether actually hard or not) is beyond me.
From your response am I right in that the code above cannot be pasted into WIX at all as is? And the only option is to get a “REST” Interface?
As I explained above, you cannot simply paste code into Wix Code. Your code might be able to work in an HtmlComponent , but some code either just won’t work or needs to be changed. The recommended method of invoking an external service is to use the REST interface. This provides a highler level of security in addition to a better integration of the functionality.
If this is a must-have feature for your web site and you feel that you aren’t able to deal with the technical issues, you might consider checking out the WixArena - it’s a hub where you can look for Wix Code (and other) experts for hire. Maybe you can find some help there.