Static editing of item pages in collection for easy multiple custom pages with a template and collection management capabilities

Is this currently an existing feature request?
Sorry if this is a feature request or even if it is already possible, but I can find nothing on it. Not asking for the same thing as creating a collection with a single item.

What current pain point are you facing?
Individual collection pages made from a template are not editable statically from, and therefore I cannot create custom item pages easily.

Wishlist item
I am trying to create a portfolio with some pages that use a template more or less and others that are uniquely styled to their specific project. Collections are nice for organization and setup, but the problem is that I cannot seem to edit any of the pages statically.

Do you have a current workaround that you’re using?
I am currently manually setting up a collection and interface that links to pages, but the downside of this is that none of the template blocks work, and I have to publish the site to navigate my links in the preview, unlike how template collections work now. I have a template page that I’ve made, and anytime I want to add a new item to the collection, I duplicate the template page and then edit it. The custom collection page also requires me to then manually create the link to the pages for every new item.

Describe the feature you need and how it would work. (Bonus points for mockups :wink:)
I would like some way to add pages to a collection that are only used by one specific item in the collection so that you can fully customize them but still have an easy setup with links, content, order, etc. Ideally, some way to create an item template and then edit the page statically for specific items. To be more beginner-friendly, it would also be nice to be able to move existing pages into a collection and associate them with a specific item. Some button to switch a page in a collection to static editing.

How will this impact you?
This would make it much easier and quicker to intuitively make fully custom portfolios, and manage and update them.

@Tech_Marauder That does sound like quite the workaround you have to do! Just to confirm, you would like the capability to make a static page to allow you to edit specific items (that way you don’t have to duplicate the page and then edit it and manually create the link). Is that correct?