Sub menu flyout opening to the side?

In edit mode, the submenu opening as a flyout appears straight down from the menu item but on the actual published site, it opens as a flydown but to random places on the side; how do I fix this? Thanks!

do you have any screen shots to help with your issue ?

Hey there. Let me see if I can help. I’ll give you instructions for the Wix Studio Version but if you need the Wix Editor Version I can do that too.

  1. Select Edit Site from Your Wix Studio Dashboard
  2. Select your menu
  3. Under tool bar that says “manage menu” - click the layout icon
  4. Make sure you have selected “submenu”
  5. select flyout
  6. align your text

Does this help?

You can see how in edit mode its where it should be but when it’s published its on the side

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Did you figure this out? This setting is gone in 2025, not even documented.