Submenu Customization

Our clients need submenu customization. This is a big request. Different fonts, sizes, etc. We don’t want to hear from potential Editor X clients, “Oh this or that web design platform does it, so we will use that instead of Wix.”

Of course, this isn’t the only design request that they find on other platforms but it’s so basic it’s hard to explain why it’s missing.

Since we are a WIx partner and only design in Wix, we want the best Wix we can offer the world we work in. :yum:.

I am in same situation with one of my largest clients. Would like to have something available soon :slight_smile:

So true that the bigger clients have less tolerance for “can’t do.” We have a major one with several sites that we need to make happy on this issue. I hope it works out for you.

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thank you for the feedback, we will forward it to our developers

Yes, I almost started to cry, when I realized that the submenu is not fully customizable. The website I’m working with, is one of my graduation works as a Media student. I took a huge risk to convince my teacher that WP is not the only fully customizable platform… Now I need to prove it.

I really beg you guys to make the submenu customization available as soon as possible :flushed:

Marianne, thanks for advocating for Wix over other platforms. It’s a great company and they will resolve this. Not sure the timeline. But the product and development teams are super caring and responsive. We posted this thread to make them aware. Now they know! We hope your project works out well. The regular editor does allow for submenu customization if that can work for you. For us it didn’t. Editor X has other great stuff that make it a top choice for many projects. :sunglasses:

@andrewt Thank you so much!

Thank you and let’s hope this becomes available soon. I’ve been using the regular Editor for years now, for the smaller projects. And I love it. Now decided to take a leap to the more advanced Editor X and I’ve been super exited. Giving up is not an option, I have a mission now to drag my teacher out of his box :sweat_smile: . There is so much to learn and so little time to do that, but this is my playground now :heart::heavy_multiplication_x:


@marianne-siimann Love the enthusiasm and know our team is working on always improving things. Keep us posted on any other things you want to see or share the work you’re doing here as that is how the team can collect feedback and real-world usage and try to plan things out to improve the product.

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