Submit button does not work

I have a form and in the preview it works great but in my publish site it doesnt work.
Why is that?
Thank you

Have you checked the live database?
See here .

Hope this helps,


Thank you the fast reply.
Sure, I checked it.
In the preview site i see the Success massage and the database is edited. but in the publish site i see the Error massage.

Could be permissions maybe?
Can you please check the permissions for the collection (you can do it by clicking the icon next to it’s name).


Yes now it works but i can see it only in my live database

See here how to sync the data.


Thank you!


I am making a RSVP for my wedding guest list. It works on preview mode, I tried input the data, submit, and the data came out on sand box. However, when I try inputing on publish mode. It showed an error message. HELP

This is the link

Thank you!