Hi, I created a new database collection “bookings”, linked all the user input fields on my webpage to “bookings”, then added a submit button to user input data to the database collection. I’ve also set the button to link to another webpage when submission is successful.
However nothing happens upon clicking the submit button. The webpage URL is https://www.bassdojo.pro/user-form
I found this error code as well:
console.js:35 save operation failed: t {code: “DS_VALIDATION_ERROR”, message: “Some of the elements validation failed”, name: “DatasetError”, stack: “DatasetError: Some of the elements validation fail…services/dbsm-viewer-app/1.647.0/app.js:6:200320)”, Symbol(error-boundary-scope): “userCodeZone”, …}
Could anyone please advise what i should do to correct this error?
Hi bassdojopro,
I tried the link you sent and the form doesn’t work as the two drop-downs don’t have any info to select. Try adding some info into those that can be submitted and if it still doesn’t work, let me know.
One thing to double check is that you have connected your “Submit” button to the database as well as the input fields. Easy to overlook but important nonetheless.
Hope it helps!
One thing I see is that your dropdowns are connected to the Bookings Dataset which is configured as Write-only. That means the dropdowns are not able to be populated with values from the dataset’s collection.
Hi Luke, it seems the drop-down don’t work when i link them to the database.
However I’ve created a new form via Add Contact element instead and that works for me for now. Thanks for your feedback anyway!
Hi Yisrael, I’ve created a new form via Add Contact element instead and that works for me for now. Thanks for your feedback anyway!
hi guys… I have experienced a little different but same problem on submit button.
this is my site https://andruwijaya.wixsite.com/mysite
on wix editor, it’s all working fine, it has linked to databased as well.
but if I open on other browser or other computer, then submit button is just like doing nothing., and can’t get the input data to the database.
Please add a new post rather than bump up an old thread from last year.
Plus, if you mean that the submit button is disabled when you try to use it through the preview or on the live site, then you need to check your dataset is setup correctly.
This was already mentioned by Yisrael in his answer to the original post which would have given you the needed answer to your issue.
One thing I see is that your dropdowns are connected to the Bookings Dataset which is configured as Write-only. That means the dropdowns are not able to be populated with values from the dataset’s collection.
You can see more about that here.
Also, make sure that all your user inputs are setup correctly and are connected to your dataset and that your submit button is setup correctly too.
Old thread being closed.