Submit buttons not working

I am having problems trying to get the submit buttons to work properly. I am not sure how I am supposed to get help when I can’t explain to someone who is also looking at the problem or show multiple pictures.

Why does submit not show on all buttons? Why on this one does it show Submit and Revert ONLY. Why on others does it show only revert?

I need a three step application process. I have the data base set up (none of the Rich Text fields worked at all BTW so the video from WIX is inaccurate). The one image I can include is the button for the first page, which is not added to the dynamic pages because then it doesn’t show on the menu bar.

I am frustrated that I can not get live help on this. After 4 hours setting this all up I can’t actually submit a thing

Error code at the bottom

Hay Laura,

The message appears like a bug. It is the message that you get if trying to use an API incorrectly, which I do not believe to be the case. Can you share a link to the site you are working on?

what kind of link? the URL? until they upgrade

As for the Submit button - when connecting any button you should have the option to submit data. To build a multi step form using UI experience like collapse / expand or slideshow to show different parts of the form, and buttons to trigger the collapse / expand or move between slides. You only need one submit button to complete the form.

Checking your site…

So I don’t need one for each page to move them through? There are three pages in the application process.

how apply button is coded

Error on the page now…

ok, you have a data modeling problem. Let me explain.

The first form creates an item in the database with an email and course. This part works well.

On submit of the first page, it navigates to a course page on the applications collection. It means that we try and find an item by course in the applications collection and retrieve this item. As there may be multiple such items (each with a different email, for different submittions), we may retrieve the wrong item.

So the page Applications (course) may load the wrong item. It then allows a user to fill in more details, and as the dataset is read / write, it will update that item in the database (and will not create a new item). You may also see different actions on the button because the dataset is read / write and not just read / only as in the first page.

On submission for the second page, it tries to navigate to the Applications (course, Three business) page. However, in the form there is no input for the Three business - this field remains empty and those fails to create the link for the third page.

My suggestion is to move to use a single page for all the form. Use strips for the three parts of the form, collapsing the 2nd and 3rd strips. Have a button on the first strip - next - that collapses the first strip and expands the second. Same with the 2nd to 3rd strip. Have only one submit button that writes all the form in one go on the 3rd strip.

is this done on a dynamic page or can it be a page that shows on the navigation?

and now a radio button showed up that I have no clue what it relates to…

Use a regular page, you do not need a dynamic page for a form.

Dynamic pages are for displaying content (e.g. blogs, articles, product pages) to users.

the radio button you see is how a dynamic page works - it takes the URL pattern you set up (in this case the /{{course}} shows the titles (the primary field in the database). It this was a blog, you’d see here the blog title. Having said that, you do not really need a dynamic page for a form.

and what strip load would you recommend? I only see FAQ that would work for that…

I am talking about the strip elements from the add menu

Any should do - just delete the content and build the form on top of three strips that are positioned one above the other, and set collapse on load to the 2nd and 3rd.

how do you get them to open?

By using code. See here .
