I am writing javascript to add products to cart. when i use AddToCurrentCartFunction(), i can see on the console that the product has been added, however when i click on the cart icon it takes me to a different cart that is empty. When I use wixEcomFrontend.navigateToCartPage() I have the same result. When I use getcurrentcart() it returns the correct information for the same cart used in the add to cart function. I have deleted current cart and started again but seen no change. I assume I have to synchronise the ecom frontend with backend (at least that is chatgpt reccomendation) but I dont know how.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks
import { myCreateCartFunction } from “backend/my-backend-file.web”;
import { myGetCurrentCartFunction } from “backend/my-backend-file.web”;
import { myAddToCurrentCartFunction } from “backend/my-backend-file.web”;
import { myUpdateCurrentCartFunction } from “backend/my-backend-file.web”;
import { cart } from “wix-stores”;
import { myDeleteCurrentCartFunction } from “backend/my-backend-file.web”;
import { myAddToCartFunction } from “backend/my-backend-file.web”;
import wixEcomFrontend from “wix-ecom-frontend”;
import wixEcomBackend from “wix-ecom-backend”;
let cartId = “0”;
$w.onReady(function () {
$w('#button4').onClick(() => {
let proceed = check1();
console.log(`is answer correct: ${proceed}`);
if (proceed === 1) {
.then((updatedCurrentCart) => {
console.log('Success! Updated cart:', updatedCurrentCart);
.catch((error) => {
$w(`#text35`).onClick(() => {
// Add event listener for cart changes
cart.onChange((cart) => {
// Function to update the cart icon
function updateCartIcon(cart) {
const totalQuantity = cart.lineItems.reduce((sum, item) => sum + item.quantity, 0);
$w('#shoppingCartIcon2').show = totalQuantity.toString();
function check1() {
let answer1 = $w("#radioGroup1").value;
let correctAnswer1 = "answer";
let quantity1 = $w("#slider1").value;
console.log(`answer1=${answer1} Correct answer=${correctAnswer1} Quantity=${quantity1}`);
if (correctAnswer1 === answer1) {
let correct = 1;
return correct;
} else {
let correct = 0;
return correct;
const options1 = {
"lineItems": [{
"catalogReference": {
"appId": "215238eb-22a5-4c36-9e7b-e7c08025e04e",
"catalogItemId": "1b42195a-f966-6e38-9bc6-a7125fed0061",
"options": {}
"quantity": $w("#slider1").value
$w('#text33').onClick(() => {
.then(() => {
console.log("Success! Deleted current cart");
.catch((error) => {
// Handle the error
$w('#text34').onClick(() => {
.then((myCurrentCart) => {
const formattedCartTotal = myCurrentCart.subtotal.formattedAmount;
//const numberOfCartLineItems = myCurrentCart.lineItems.length;
console.log("Success! Retrieved current cart:", myCurrentCart);
cartId = myCurrentCart._id;
console.log(`cart ID = ${cartId}`);
return myCurrentCart;
.catch((error) => {
// Handle the error