Table Row Height Help!

I have a dropdown selection connected to a database that will display values in a table from another database if it contains that selection. However, I cannot set the row height of the return table (I can set up in Layout but the max-height is 100). I need to know how to override this 100px and make the row height more than that. My code is below. Thanks!

import wixData from ‘wix-data’;

export function dropdown1_change(event) {
// Runs a query on the “Members” collection
// Query the collection for any items whose “Name” field contains
// the value the user selected in the dropdown
.contains(‘states’, $w(‘#dropdown1’).value)
.find() // Run the query
.then(res => {
// Set the table data to be the results of the query
$w(‘#table1’).rows = res.items;


$w.onReady(function () {
$w(“#table1”).columns = [
“id”: “col1”,
“dataPath”: “headshot”,
“label”: “Headshot”,
“width”: 125,
“visible”: true,
“type”: “image”,
“id”: “col2”,
“dataPath”: “test”,
“label”: “Loan Officer”,
“width”: 205,
“visible”: true,
“type”: “richText”,

There’s no Wixcode API to set table’s height.
Therefore, I suggest you contact Wix Support , as they can help you best.