I need help and I am new to Wix code. I have searched through the forum and cannot find what I’m looking for. I am trying to have a dropdown menu on my home page in which the user would select a Service/Project they are looking for from the dropdown list (I already have the list being pulled from a data collection I created just for this list so that part is all set) then I want them to hit a button that says “Find my Pro” which is under the drop down menu. I want the button to take them to another page where I have a form set up as a miltipage form using a slideshow (which I already have that all set up). What I can’t figure out is how to get the selection from the dropdown menu on the home page to fill in the first user input item (text box) on the form. I need it to get carried to the form because I want it to be the first question and I need it to be saved to the same row in my Data Collection.
I hope someone can please help me with this I have been trying to do this for days.