Text fade in/fade out for website

So I am not a code person at all. I am designing my website with the available tools Wix has supplied. There’s a final touch I want to add to my website before it’s really done. I want text to fade in/fade out along different borders of the photographs that make up my website. I’m posting a picture for an example.

Every you see blah, would be an example of where I would want the text to fade in/fade out at. The text would be quotes, some lengthy, some short. I am a pretty decent learner, but like I said, I know nothing about code, so if someone could give me a quick overview on how to code the quotes, and manipulate it from there, I can make it happen.

You can use the show() function for fade-in and the hide() function for fade-out.

Okay but I also want the text to be sideways, with the orientation just like what is shown in the screenshot above. How would I go about that? And do I just copy and past those commands wherever in the coder? Also, I assume that I place the text within the parenthesis??

@tykirenwillingham No, the text does not go within the parentheses.

Click the show() and hide() links in Yisrael’s post and check out the examples on those pages. You should also look at this:


I mean, I don’t really see anything other than what confused me in the first place. Essentially you guys are telling me to learn it on my own haha.

I just posted on here for more direct guidance. I know I can teach myself I just didn’t want to spend 6 months learning code just for one thing.

Nevermind it just wasn’t loading for some reason.