Text from dataset on dynamic page to Lightbox form

Hi all! New to coding here. A kindergartener if you will - so please explain solutions well, for my sake. Lol

I have a dynamic page which has a repeater that displays job listings for nurses. When a nurse clicks on the job listing they like, it will open another dynamic page that displays a detailed view of that job. I’ve placed a button on the detailed view page (#quickapply), so instead of filling out our in-depth application, they can quickly apply with a few shorter inputs on a form within a Lightbox.
Each job has a unique Job Number (which is also displayed on the detailed view page (#jobnumber) and is connected to the dataset (#dynamicDataset). I want that Job Number to replace an input value within the Lightbox form (#input8) and I just haven’t been able to get it right. I can easily place the form on the page and connect #input8 to the dataset so it auto-fills the job number according to which job the nurses are looking at, but I want it to be a Lightbox instead.
Any and all help is appreciated. Tagging @okeyiwobi as his last code worked great for me! The code below is what I came up with based on some other posts I’ve read, but I think I’m missing something significant.
*I should add - there are other similar posts that I’ve read here about this, but each one is slightly different from what I am wanting, so I could never find a code that worked for me.


import wixWindow from 'wix-window'
import wixData from 'wix-data'
$w.onReady(function () {
export function quickapply_click(event) {
let dataObj = {
"JobID": $w("#jobnumber").text,}

wixWindow.openLightbox('Quick Apply', dataObj);


import wixWindow from 'wix-window';
import wixData from 'wix-data'

$w.onReady( function () {
 let dataObj = wixWindow.lightbox.getContext();
  $w('#input8').value = dataObj.JobID    

For reference:
Button - #quickapply
Job Number text (on page) - #jobnumber
Lightbox name - ‘Quick Apply’ or #lightbox1
Dataset on page - #dynamicDataset
Lightbox input - #input8

The actual collection is called ‘Jobs’ and the field key for the Job Number is: ‘jobId’
Here’s a pic of the form when I have it on the page and ideally how I want input8 to look within the Lightbox. It also disables the users from changing that input.

Thanks in advance!!

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Ok, I figured it out and was able to get the number value to move into the Lightbox form. But, it’s not disabled like the above photo (so nurses COULD change the input). Anyone help me out on disabling that?


Thank you! Knew it had to be simple! Everything is working great now :smiley: