Text Selection In Event Handlers

Hello, is there a way to access selected text via Velo’s event handlers in any component ?

For example, I would like to extract the text that is selected and change its color when the text losses focus.

It this possible ?

Thank you,


You want to create a line/text-MARKER ?

I don’t know if such a function is possible to achieve with Velo.
This could be something for the wishlist…(if this functionality is still not listed there)

Feel free to add your wished suggesion to the wishlist.

But, probably there could be a workaround.

My idea…

  1. Copy and paste selected text-snipet/part of your choice into a “input-textfield”
  2. create a search-function to find the copied text-part in another text-box, rich-text-editor.
  3. using html-text to mark the found text-part in your RichTextEditor.

additional example & info…