The menu can't be seen the drop-down page

I made a website and found that its menu can’t be seen the drop down page. And another one I made, its menu can be seen the drop-down page。See the following video. Hope to get help, thanks

This could be a bug. It’s best to report bugs to Wix Customer Care to ensure timely handling of your problem. They track and monitor all incoming issues and will escalate bugs to product teams.

Thanks. I will try that way and wee what happens

Wix Customer Care called me and found the problem that is Header Scroll Settings. How to resolve this problem: right click with the mouse at Header area, then click Settings, then change “Freezes” to “Scrolls with site”. See the following images. Thank you!

@laizhihong Glad you got it worked out. And, thanks for sharing the solution so that others can learn from this. I learned something.

The Customer Care people are awesome.