Tired of promises that won't work

So been reading a lot and working a code that does not work.
Before you pointing me more reading here are 2 articles that I read twice:

My objective : Insert a record into a collection and immediately get the “_id”, to use it as value of the insert into another collection.

What I’m doing wrong?

Here is the code that is inside an “Add new guest” button

// Functions that insert the data.
async function dataGuestUpdater ( myData ) {
const results = await wixData . insert ( “EventsGuest” , myData );
let mypromise = fnDoze ( 500 ); – timer for 500 ms
return results . items [ 0 ];

var toInsert = {
“eventid” : $w ( ‘#txteventID’ ). value ,
“guestname” : $w ( ‘#txtGuestUser’ ). value ,

let  iParticipant  = "" ; 
  dataGuestUpdater ( toInsert ) 
  . then ( res  => {                     
    setTimeout (() => { //another timer  
                $w ( "#txtmessage" ). text  =  "Guest Added!"  ; 
                $w ( "#txtmessage" ). show (); 
                $w ( '#dataset2' ). refresh (); 
        },  1000 
    console . log ( res . toString ()); 
    iParticipant  =  res . _id ;        //   Here is the value trying to get. 


// Blank value
console . log ( "Participant: " + iParticipant );

var toInsert ={
“eventid” : $w ( ‘#txteventID’ ). value ,
“guestname” : $w ( ‘#txtGuestUser’ ). value ,

wixData . insert ( “EventsGuest” , toInsert )
.then(result => { // <= Here you are consuming the promise.
// result.items[“_id”] is the id from Collection inserted row.
.catch(err => {console.log(“Insert Error:”, err)}

The “wixdata.insert” is a promise that returns the inserted items.
Use .catch() o get the promise error.

Hey thank you @mvveiga !!
I followed your explanation and was able to make it work.

Below was I did so it work for me. Thank you.

let theguest = wixData . insert ( “EventsGuest” , toInsert )
. then ( results => { // <= Here you are consuming the promise.
let item = results ; // NEEDED To add this so I could use the promise return values.
$w ( “#txtmessage” ). text = “Guest Added!” ;
$w ( “#txtmessage” ). show ();
$w ( ‘#dataset2’ ). refresh ();
return item ;

theguest . then ( ( result ) => {
let myitem = result ;
myId = myitem . _id