Does Anyone knows what compId means. I dont have any elemtn with such Id. It is not connected with code but this error shows i preview. Any hint where should i look for source of this error?
Any hint of what the error looks like? Screenshot? What is your code? Please provide more information.
Have the same prob here now… No probs at 3 am for the same page and nothing has been changed at the page since a few hours ago…
at the bottom there is error. It shows every time in different place. Sometimes at begiining sometimes in the middle.
my site
in editor page “planowanie” which is in developing now. It starts yesterday i think.
I´m not writing about those warning because those are obvious
Understand that we are unable to debug or rewrite complex code and page configurations. If you feel that there is a bug in Wix Code, then please try to create a test page with the minimum scenario in which the problem appears to help us investigate the issue properly.
it took me some time and i found it. I used funcion loadtable() for making table which was inside repeater. When i // it and add columns in editor there is no mistake. but before it was also working but with mistake. For someone with that error on forum try to make table in editor
function loadtable() {
$w("#table1").columns = [
“id”: “col1”,
“dataPath”: “kategoria.title”,
“label”: “kat”,
“width”: 120,
“visible”: true ,
“type”: “string”,
// “linkPath”: “link-field-or-property”
“id”: “col2”,
“dataPath”: “iloscOsob”,
“label”: “ilosc”,
“width”: 400,
“visible”: true ,
“type”: “number”,
// “linkPath”: “link-field-or-property”
I noticed the same problem a few hours ago. The pages include repeaters with tables inside.
I have created two simplified " test pages " with same problem. Repeaters connected to different collections, Tables connected to same collection.
I noticed the following:
- number of error messages is identical to repeater items number.
- in developer console (Verbose) there is reference to wix-dataset.isConnectedToComponent which returns comp-“ID”, similar to ‘compID’ in the error message (I am not professional programmer so do not know what it means).
Test pages can be found (unpublished) in:
I have just now started seeing the same message when adding items to a repeater via code. Still researching and trying to track down. Seems like something that has just changed. I have been running for days without seeing this and now all of a sudden it is appearing. The code functionality seems to still be working however.
The reason you are getting the error is that you have a Repeater with no items. I added another Repeater to the page and connected it to the AB Index dataset and the Repeater worked fine.
For some reason, your Repeater isn’t working. Maybe a bug? Maybe something got corrupted? No idea. So, try starting with a new Repeater.
However , the setting columns in the page’s onReady() might cause a problem:
$w("#workTable").columns = cols;
The Repeater Items might not yet exist when setting columns and you’ll get an “undefined” error.
What you can do is to define the columns structure (cols) but don’t set columns yet. Add an onItemReady() function to the Repeater, where you can set the fields, and set columns for the Table for that Item.
As I mentioned in my post to @ofer, setting columns might be a problem - depending on where you doing it.
If this is in the Repeater’s onItemReady() function, then you should probably do:
$item(" #table1 ").columns = …
$w(" #table1 ").columns = …
If you’re doing this in the page’s onReady() , then it’s likely the Repeater Items don’t even exist, and therefore the Table doesn’t exist.
@yisrael-wix Thanks, I’ll try it.
@yisrael-wix i filled repeater with $item in forEach. At the beginning i create columns in $w in on Ready only becasue its the same table but data is different so i do later $item in foreach function.
Anyway when i used editor to create table it workes perfect.
But probably i should create columns with $item and then fill rows also wiin $item. I will try later.
@Yisrael (Wix) sorry to bother but this error seems to appear at more pages.I haven touched those pages for long time and they were working before without errors. In live page You can see error but i have no idea what function is about.
PLease help becasue in my com page is working but someone call me that have problems.
I 'm sending pictures of kartoteka page and listagosci page from live page.
Who should i write to?
there is also one more new error in Lista gosci PAge
(index):62 POST'compId'%2520of%2520undefined&evid=10&is_rollout=0&iss=1&line=17&majorVer=4&msid=087de490-2804-4b1c-9df8-fd9c549073fc&server&sev=30&site_id=20555ade-cf3a-4b1f-9c47-af26b90b5025&src=44&stack=TypeError%253A%2520Cannot%2520read%2520property%2520'compId'%2520of%2520undefined%250A%2520%2520%2520%2520at%2520Object.%253Canonymous%253E%2520( net::ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES
log as
and in “lista gosci” try to + (add new record) new record then lots of compid of undefined appears. HAve no idea what is it. i have neved had such error before.
If You dont have time let me know where should i write