TypeError: Failed to fetch

Hello everyone, I’m new to the community and I’m not understanding what I’m doing wrong to generate a request for my own server.

I’m doing a registration validation where the person receives an email with a link to my app’s page passing two parameters in the URL iduser and keyuser.
When the user clicks on a button I send a request to my server to validate if the key is valid, but when sending the request it always returns this error.

Here’s the code and if anyone can help I don’t understand the reason for the error.

import wixLocation from ‘wix-location’ ; import { fetch } from ‘wix-fetch’ ;

export function button35_click ( event ) {
// This function was added from the Properties & Events panel. To learn more, visit Velo: Working with the Properties & Events Panel | Help Center | Wix.com
// Add your code for this event here:
let query = wixLocation . query ;
const iduser = query . iduser ;
const keyuser = query . keyuser ;

//const url = `http://bravussistemas.ddns.com.br:8888/DataSnap/Rest/TReleaseController/NovoUsuarioAPP/${iduser}/${keyuser}`; 
**const**  url  =  `http://bravussistemas.ddns.com.br:8888/DataSnap/Rest/TReleaseController/NovoUsuarioAPP/30254/df4b1fd7704413b50a6d6f90dc05a0b0e322d2c42c3069c5bb9b7729ec2f5a9c` ; 

// faz uma solicitação HTTP para a API usando fetch() 
fetch ( url , { "method" :  "get" }) 
    . then ( httpResponse  =>  { 
        **return**  httpResponse . json () 
    . then ( json  => { 
        // verifica o resultado da API e exibe uma mensagem ao usuário com base no resultado 
        console . log ( json . result ); 
        **if**  ( json . result  ==  **true** ) { 
            $w ( "#box1" ). show (); 
            $w ( "#box2" ). hide (); 
        }  **else**  { 
            $w ( "#box1" ). hide (); 
            $w ( "#box2" ). show (); 
    . **catch** ( error  => { 
        console . error ( "Erro ao buscar dados da API:" ,  error ); 
        $w ( "#box1" ). hide (); 
        $w ( "#box2" ). show ();             

