Typewriter animation on Wix

Hey guys, I have read several threads for creating a type writer effect on Wix but I still have had no luck implementing this…

I literally just want to create a type writer effect of three different statements on my home page.

For School … delete THEN For Lunch delete THEN For Dinner Delete and then to repeat.

I keep coming across HTML Code and QS Queries and I am honestly getting so lost.

Any help/support would be much appreciated.


Hi there :wave:t2: Check out this thread where they found a solution to your problem: https://www.wix.com/velo/forum/coding-with-velo/velo-typewriter-effect

If you have any difficulties post your code here to get some help.

Good luck!

See the Typewriter example which d emonstrates how to simulate a “typewriter” effect using only Wix screen components and Velo.

Thats awesome! Thanks so much. that has worked for me perfectly :slight_smile: