How can I ensure session storage data is reliably synchronized across pages in Wix, especially when navigating rapidly between pages?
Wix Editor (with session storage and navigation).
What are you trying to achieve?
I am trying to pass product-specific data (like SKU) from a product listing page to an individual product details page. The SKU is stored in session storage on the product page and retrieved on the individual product page. The goal is to reliably sync the SKU, even when users navigate quickly between pages.
What have you already tried?
- Used
to store and retrieve the SKU in session storage. - Added delays before navigation to allow session storage to update.
- Implemented a retry mechanism on the receiving page to fetch the SKU from session storage.
- Tested with query parameters as a fallback method when session storage fails.
- Validated using console logs that the SKU is stored and cleared correctly.
Despite these efforts, session storage sometimes retains an outdated value or fails to persist the updated SKU before navigation completes.
Additional Information
- Logs show that the SKU from session storage works correctly during the first navigation but often fails on subsequent navigations.
- Delays (e.g., 800ms) were added before navigating to ensure the data is updated in session storage, but this only resolves the issue intermittently.
- Query parameters have been added as a fallback, but synchronization issues persist when session storage is involved.
- Would like guidance on best practices or potential alternatives for reliable data synchronization between pages in Wix.
product page code
import { session } from "wix-storage-frontend";
import wixLocationFrontend from "wix-location-frontend";
$w.onReady(() => {
$w("#Section1Repeater1").onItemReady(($item, itemData) => {
$item("#Section1RepeaterItem1Button1").onClick(async () => {
const productId = itemData.sku; // Get SKU of the selected product
// Check if there's an existing SKU in session storage
const existingSKU = session.getItem("selectedSKU");
if (existingSKU) {
console.log("Existing SKU found in session storage:", existingSKU);
session.removeItem("selectedSKU"); // Clear the existing SKU
console.log("Cleared existing SKU from session storage.");
} else {
console.log("No existing SKU in session storage.");
// Save the new SKU to session storage
session.setItem("selectedSKU", productId);
console.log("New SKU stored in session storage:", productId);
// Add a delay to ensure storage write
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 800)); // 800ms delay
const storedSKU = session.getItem("selectedSKU");
if (storedSKU === productId) {
console.log("Verified SKU in session storage before navigation:", storedSKU);
// Navigate to the Individual Product Page
const navigationURL = `/indiv-product?sku=${productId}`;
console.log("Navigating to URL:", navigationURL);;
} else {
console.error("Stored SKU does not match the intended product ID. Navigation aborted.");
indiv product page
import wixData from "wix-data";
import wixLocationFrontend from "wix-location-frontend";
import { session } from "wix-storage-frontend";
$w.onReady(async () => {
// Retrieve SKU from query parameters
const query = wixLocationFrontend.query;
let productSKU = query.sku;
if (productSKU) {
console.log("SKU retrieved from query parameters:", productSKU);
} else {
console.warn("No SKU in query parameters. Attempting to retrieve from session storage...");
productSKU = await retryRetrieveSKU(5, 500); // Retry 5 times with 500ms delay
if (!productSKU) {
console.error("No SKU found in query parameters or session storage after retries. Redirecting...");"/product-page");
console.log("Using SKU:", productSKU);
// Wait for dataset to be ready before filtering
$w("#dataset1").onReady(() => {
$w("#dataset1").setFilter(wixData.filter().eq("sku", productSKU))
.then(() => {
const currentItem = $w("#dataset1").getCurrentItem();
if (currentItem) {
console.log("Current Item:", currentItem);
// Initialize features for the product
// Clear SKU from session storage after successful use
if (session.getItem("selectedSKU") === productSKU) {
console.log("Cleared SKU from session storage.");
} else {
console.warn("Session storage SKU does not match current SKU. Clearing anyway...");
} else {
console.error("No product found for the given SKU.");
.catch(error => {
console.error("Error filtering dataset:", error);
* Retry retrieving SKU from session storage.
* @param {number} retries - Number of retries allowed.
* @param {number} delay - Delay between retries in milliseconds.
* @returns {Promise<string|null>} - SKU value or null if not found.
async function retryRetrieveSKU(retries, delay) {
let sku = null;
for (let attempt = 1; attempt <= retries; attempt++) {
sku = session.getItem("selectedSKU");
if (sku) {
console.log(`Retry ${attempt}: Retrieved SKU from session storage: ${sku}`);
return sku;
console.log(`Retry ${attempt}: No SKU found. Retrying in ${delay}ms...`);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
console.error("Failed to retrieve SKU from session storage after retries.");
return null;