Update the Collection Gallery Field Titles with Descriptions

I have a collection with the gallery field that has multiple images in reach row of the collection.
While adding data to the collection I mistakenly used the Gallery Description instead of Gallery Title property.
Of course, I can update the Titles with the Descriptions one by one but that would take too long time.
Trying to figure out the code to do that. Does anybody have a sample to accomplish something similar?

So far I got this

.then( (results) => {
let res = results.items;
let count = results.length;

 for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)  
       let currentItem = res[i]; 
let cntPic = currentItem.galleryFld.length; 
let pics = currentItem.galleryFld; 

for (var k = 0; k < cntPic; k++)  
      pics[k].title = pics[k].description; 
      pics[k].description = ""; 

//everything works fine to this point but not Update
//how to assign new Gallery Properties to the current row and save changes?
currentItem.galleryFld.items = pics;
wixData.update(“myCollection”, currentItem);
} );