Upload Product CSV to Store using Collections

Hi everyone, I’m looking for a way to import a CSV file of products to the store of our Editor X site using Collections .

I’ve looked into the Wix guide for importing products but the dataset I’m using is very large and would take a considerable time to marry up the CSV fields to the correct Wix format.

I was wondering if anyone knows if there’s a way to use Collections and, for example, the wix-stores API to circumvent hours of rearranging our current dataset?

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

By Collections , do you mean the Collections app ?

Not too well-versed in coding but Velo does have an option to create a product using code:

The Velo forum might be able to help answer this: https://www.wix.com/velo/forum

Hi Roberto,
These are the dataset’s I’m referring to.
The createProduct( ) function does look very promising and I will look into it.
Thank you so much for your help :slight_smile: