Uploading Images to MediaManager

I have a bunch of images on another server that I want to import to a collection and store the images locally on Wix.

I have the image URLs in the collection and have been trying to figure out how to import the actual images and have them associated with the right records in the colection. I found this guy’s solution online earlier: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60860639/how-to-import-an-image-to-wix-data-collection and have been trying to make it work for me.

Here’s what I have:

a) page code
very simple…basically just calls a back-end function.

import {importImages} from 'backend/importer';

$w.onReady(function () {


b) the jsw module called by the page code
This is supposed to import the images associated with the URLs in the collection, tag them with the record id so they can be connecetd later.

import wixData from 'wix-data';
import { mediaManager } from 'wix-media-backend';

export function importImages() {
        .then(result => Promise.all(result.items.map(item => {
            return mediaManager.importFile('/images', item.imageUrl, {
                "mediaOptions": {
                    "mediaType": "image"
                "metadataOptions": {
                    "context": {
                        "itemId": item._id // <-- this is how we know which item to update later

c) events.js file
this should detect files uploaded to the media manager and add the local image to the right record in the collection, based upon the meta data added above.

import wixData from 'wix-data';

export function wixMediaManager_onFileUploaded(event) {
    if (event.context.itemId) {
        // get where item._id === event.context.itemId
        return wixData.get("Books", event.context.itemId, { suppressAuth: true })
            .then(itemToUpdate => {
                // set the "image" field
                itemToUpdate.image = event.fileInfo.fileUrl;
                return wixData.update("Books", itemToUpdate, { suppressAuth: true });

All very elegant as an idea but I cannot get it run…don’t think the first step of uploading the files is happening, so the function in events.js is not firing.

Can anyone diagnose what I have done wrong. I am assuming this can be run in a JSW…I fairly quickly fuigured out that you can’t do this from the front-end page code itself, so this is where I eneded up.


I can only hear crickets…

Hi Simon,
A couple of things to try:
Double check the name of your image Url field. In the query to read the data it is referencing a field named image_url:
isNotEmpty ( “image_url” )

but in the call to importFile it is referencing a field named imageUrl:( mediaManager . importFile ( ‘/images’ , item . imageUrl)

If the field names are correct, then add some console.log() commands in the query to verify that it is actually returning data.

Same with the onFileUploaded event handler. Add some console.log() commands to see if it is getting called.

  1. Add the .jsw extension to the import (frontend).
    2. In section b add a return before the query (at least you you wish to get a fulfillment notice on the front end).
    3. I’d suggest to save to have an imported Boolean field and to update it once it’s imported, so you won’t import the file twice (or remove the record completely if you no longer need it).