urgent help: retrieve user's email and password from database

I’m new wax.com I hope someone help me.
I made a login page (email and password) . If the entered email and password are correct the user will be directed to a specific page else it’ll show an error and the user must register …

when I click the login it must check the database if the email and password are same otherwise it shows error…

please it’s urgent …Help me :frowning:


I would suggest you to read about WixDataQuery and specifically the '. eq ’ method.
Using this method you can search your database collection for an item with the exact parameters you’ve sent to the query (in this case the user’s email and password).

Note that although its really nice that you made your own login page functionality, in order to make your site really secure there are other measures to be made including backend coding and storing the data in a safe and protected state.

(If you think it is unnecessary in your case then don’t mind the last comment).

Hope that helps.



please have a look at the following article, this capability you described above does not require any code and is already supported by Wix Editor
