URL-Field works by reference but not directly

Hi, I have limited experience with wix and with coding and I have a problem with URL field that works properly when used by reference in a repeater, but when used in a table within another repeater (in different page) it always sends the user to the site home page.

To clarify - I have three collections (A, B and C) with reference field in C linking to B, and reference field in B linking A. Collection B also has a URL field.
I created two (regular) pages:
Page-1 has a single dataset connected to collection-C, and a repeater connected to the dataset. A button in the repeater is connected to the URL field in the referenced collection-B. This works just fine.
Page-2 however, has two datasets connected to collections A and B where B-dataset is bound by Filter to the referenced A-dataset. This page has a repeater (connected to A-dataset) with a single-column table (connected to B-dataset). The table-column is linked to the same URL field in B-dataset. This page has no code at all. Clicking any table item sends the user to the site home page regardless of the url in the field.

I’d appreciate any suggestion as to where to look for the fault.

  1. I don’t understand the logic of what you trying to do but I follow your instruction and its working for me.
    You can see example in the following site: https://erezp02.wixsite.com/website-76
  2. What I done is creating the collections: A,B,C

3. Then I created the C Dynamic page and its work like you said:
(Connect the button)

4. Then I create AB screen with linking the text field:
and its work as well:

So please specified more what you try to do and what not working ???

Thanks for your response Erez.
I experimented some more and think I got the glitch.
The only difference from what you have done is that I used for the url field the format ‘/pagename’ (instead of ‘http://…’) because I wanted it to open in the same window/tab when clicked in a repeater (I learned this from another thread).
This format does not work in a table within a repeater. But when changing the format to ‘http://sitename/pagename’ it does work.
i don’t know if this is a bug or a feature. It limits the flexibility because when used straight in a repeater it is always opened in new window/tab and you cannot control it as you can in a table.
Anyway, from practical point of view I have a work around so my case should be closed and I thank you for your help.