Use Checkboxgroup to "multi filter"

First of all, sorry if my english is not perfect, it’s not my native language :wink:
I am trying to filter a dataset but using the (potential multiple) result(s) of a CheckboxGroup.

Something like this…
export function button1_click(event) {
let filter = wixData.filter();
let Name= $w( “#Name” ).value
$w( ‘#dynamicDataset’ ).setFilter(filter.contains( “title” , Name));
but with “Name” beeing the result of the CheckboxGroup.

I have understood how multiple checkboxs were functionning and if I get no answer I will convert my checkboxgroup to X individual checkboxes, but it seems to be a lot more code lines to write !

In fact, I don’t understand what value the checkboxgroup is giving.
If we have 5 different labels in the checkboxgroup named “label1”, “label 2”… with corresponding values “value1”, “value2”,… and if someone ticks 2 out of 5 “checkboxes” in the group, what will be the value ?
=> “value 2, value 4” for example ? Or something else ?

Then, how can we make a filter based on this multiple values ?

Thanks a lot for your help !