Use Corvid to populate a custom element

I created a custom element which is effectively an HTML DATALIST Element.
www . w3schools . com /tags /tag_datalist.asp

I want to know if there is a way to load the list from a Collection using corvid.

I tried to hardcode my list but its too long so it times out.

Isn’t it the same as DropDown-List?
DropDown+Database = your Data-List ?

Perhaps putting all your data into a database and populate a drop-down with your data?

yes, i only saw support for dropdown though. did i miss something?

Sorry, don’t have any idea. Perhaps anybody other can help you like GOS, J.D. , Quentin Plomteux or some other very good corvid-programmer here.

hopefully my dropdown list has 800ish options. DataList allows the user to type to narrow it down. currently they just scroll and scroll

Perhaps repeater an option for you?
There you can make the same effect of scroll & scroll and scroll.
But i don’t know if they are maden for big data.

Firstly, have you read here about Custom Elements?$w.CustomElement.html

Plus, note that they are only able to be used if you have a premium site.

As for the rest of the posts, I wouldn’t want to fill a Wix dropdown with over 800 items to go through!

Do as suggested and use a repeater, which you can do like in this example here from Vorbly.

Or if you must do it in dropdown, break down the options into certain lists and then you could look at doing conditional dropdowns so that the users choice in dropdown 1 changes the options of dropdown 2 and so on. (YouTube Walkthrough here )

Have a read of this page here.

This previous forum post might be helpful too.

Thank you so much for the advice, going to try the repeater solution. I did try building a custom element, the problem was that it timed out bundling the dropdown because of the number of elements. Did not find a way to have the source data come from a wix collection