Use Selection Tags for Repeater

Well, I watched a YouTube with instructions on how to do it. I’ve read a post here about how to do it. And I still can’t get it to work.

I want a clickable tag cloud on a repeater page that already has a filter and a dropdown.

Here is the page: (at this time, until I finish designing it)
I want it to act like this:

I want the user to click on the service and have individuals show who have that service in their tags. I want it to include all who have either tag if the user selects more than one.

Here is my code:
import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;

function createFilterThatMatchesAnyKeyword(selectedKeywords) {
return (selectedKeywords && selectedKeywords.length > 0 ) ?
// Filter content that fits any of the selected keywords.
wixData.filter().hasSome( ‘keywords’ , selectedKeywords) :
// When no keywords are selected, do not filter any content.

export function keywords_change(event) {
let selectedKeywords =;
let filter = createFilterThatMatchesAnyKeyword(selectedKeywords);
$w( ‘#teamRepeater’ ).setFilter(filter);

There’s a red dot on the second to bottom line that says "set filter does not exist on ‘#teamRepeater
I tried putting in Team for the name of the dataset. I tried putting in the field key: services1.

Some notes:

The preset filter is of a text field to only show on this page if that field has “Accepting New Clients.”
Dataset Name: Team
Tags Field Key: services1
Repeater ID: teamRepeater
This is not a dynamic page.
The dropdown is filtering based on entries in a field I don’t have showing in the repeater.
I tried having some text that has the tags in the repeater and tried it without having the text of the tags in the repeater (and I connected the text to that tag field in the dataset).

Forgive my ignorance. I’m more of a designer than a coder.

Help please.

And I tried putting that code tied to the tags in the ID in addition to tied to the repeater. The tags ID is servicesTags1

Instead of using TAGS, you also could use —> CheckboxGroups, like shown in the following “interactive-example-tool” here…

Choose —> “DB-Preset-3” i already setted it up for you.

Check this post here, which is running parallel to your own issue…

And take also a look onto the given options, like →
and some more cool stuff. :wink:

This example was made within 15min.