· I have created a dataset/collection with several columns
· I have unique pages
· I have added a drop-down list user input elements and pointed them to the dataset (Read + Write)
· I would like the user to input his choices from the multiple drop down lists and click the submit button to capture his selection
· He would then move on to the next page and make his choices and click submit again
· Once completed when the user returns to any of the previous pages, his choices are reflected in the drop-down boxes
· If the user needs to make a change, he can and the dataset / collection is updated accordingly
My problem,
· I am able to make the choices and click the submit button
· Each new page is not adding the user input data to a NEW row in the dataset/collection and is merely updating a single row
· This means when I return to a previous page, the data in the drop-down has changed to the most recent selections from the prior page
If so, then simply look at doing something like this member profile tutorial where the site member can on the first page which is read only, where they can see the form with no results if it is the first time that they are viewing the page.
Or with their chosen selections if they have already been onto this page and clicked on update button to go to the update dynamic page, which is exactly the same with the first page, however it is read and write, so that the site member can choose or alter any user input on the page.
Then when they submit on this page, it will store any new changes etc into the dataset from this tutorial and the site member will be taken back to the first page which will now show any changes etc.
Finally, remember that the tutorial is for member profile, however you don’t have to keep it like that. You can change the user inputs to whatever you want them to be etc.
By unique page a I mean multiple pages in a single website.
I am creating a digital diary for a friends 50thBirthday so he is able track and keep notes on a day by day basis of his adventure for that day.He will be repeating activities on a single day so I am trying to make it so he is able to capture a unqiue selection per activity
Example – Golf
Hole 1 – Giving the user the option of selecting the club he used per shot. Once selected he can save and display the data on this page
Hole 2 – Page 2 the user the option of selecting different clubs he used per shot. Once selected he can save and display the data on this page
The problem I am having is that when inputting his selection on page 2 it is not being captured as a unique row in the data collection and it is overriding the data on page1.
Which of those links would solve my problem so each page captures and displays its own unique data input.