User input Gallery

Good morning! I am trying to add a user input gallery on my site so that members can upload their pictures to share with others. I know it’s possible, but how can I do it within Wix?


The feature you are looking for is the Upload Button, which lets users upload files (including images) to your collection. You can then display all those images from your collection in a gallery.

Check out the following:
Connecting An Upload Button
Connecting A Gallery

Good luck :slight_smile:

HI! I have a similar problem, being that I want the gallery to automatically show the pictures that users uploaded. Now the uploaded pictures just end up in my dashboard (with the other site pictures).

Please add a new post with a link to refer to this post instead of bumping an old thread from 2018.

You can see how the upload button works here.$w.UploadButton.html

The upload button saves the images and you can retrieve them from the upload button in your Wix Editor and they get stored in your Media Manager.

If you want them to be saved into a dataset, then you need to connect the upload button to a dataset and use a save function with it, either the submit button or the save function in code.

Old post being closed.