User Input Method for Gallery Field in Database

First of all, allow to thank Wix Code for coming out with the Gallery Filed in Databases, allowing one item to carry several pictures and videos in 1 field instead of having to create several fields for this. This was a genius upgrade!! Also, allowing some of the galleries to work in repeaters by displaying all the images within the Gallery Field from the Database. Again… Genius!!!

Now, a new issue arises from the need of allowing page users to input images into this field. There is of course the “Image Upload Button”, but it will not work when inputting images into a gallery field and it does not allow each image to have its own description, hint message, title and link. These attributes can only be set through the Website Editor in the Database itself by going into the gallery field and manually adding each image and their details.
This would be much easier if there was a User Input Button or Element that allows users to input directly into the Gallery Field all of these details.

Again, I really appreciate Wix Code for continuously coming up with more and better features!!!

I hope this feature is developed soon, as I have seen already many requests for it.


This is exactly the “input button” with need to input a property to a real estate website. After name, type, price, main image then the gallery ! would love this to exist…