User Profiling + Dynamic Pages

Hey all - Just discovered Corvid and checking it out to see if I can do this -

I need to build a dynamic page that shows content based on the user’s rating that’s stored in my site’s database.

The user rating is obtained from a form that I need to build that generates a score at the end of the test. The score determines what they see on the homepage. Eg.

If score < 30
They see some beginning tutorials

If score > 30 and < 60
They see intermediate tutorials

If score > 60
They see advanced tutorials

The test should only need to be taken once and the result stored in the database. If they wanted to take the test again, they could by finding the link on their profile page and doing it again.

Does any of this sound possible using Corvid??

Thanks for your help.



You can do this by creating three different pages depending on the level of the site visitor then redirect site visitor to the corresponding page using function.

As for test retake, you can add a button to the main page and link it to the page with the question form.

If the tutorial content is from a database collection, you can add a level field to your database collection then depending on the test result filter the database collection using the level field.

Good luck!

Hey Sam!

Thanks for your reply, that’s really useful.

i had thought about adding a level column in the DB and checking the value of that when the page loads - then showing / hiding the relevant content divs that are applicable to the user… That would get round the need of having 3 pages…

It sounds like that would work right?