User selected (not uploaded) image in form input

I have a form where I’ll be collecting dropdown selections from a dataset (or manually) for a pilot we are running.

Once the user a) selects a location from the dataset dropdown, or b) manually enters an address…

…they are then taking to a screen with 6 - 12 images. They can select one image to append to their form input, and then are taking to a confirmation screen.

I know I’m not even beginning to touch on how a user can see which image they have selected, but tackling one problem at at time. (bonus points if you can help with that and how to create a customer database from this info though! :joy:)

Our dev team isn’t well versed in Wix, so I am posting here first in the hopes I’ll make some headway before bringing this to the team.

Thank you!

Hello Rena OBrien,
can you show your form, what does it looks like? (pic?)
What do you want achieve?

Collecting some customer-data + create an avatar-image?
You wanna create “customer-profiles”?

Thank you @russian-dima. It’s hard to explain but I’ll try.

A user can find a place from our dropdown menu (pulls from ‘places’ dataset) and then can enter a name (this would be a ‘new’ dataset), they can then choose a design we have created (img) and we send them that design.

Dataset 1 (Existing/Read Only): Place Name

Dataset 2 (New):
‘Customer’ Name
Selected Image/Design
Address of ‘PlaceName’ in Dataset 1

I hope that makes sense, and thank you again for your help!

Sorry for the late answer,

before i start to help you, is your problem still actual/current ???