User Upload Zip Files

Ive been using Wix on and off for years, mostly get turned off because simple tasks are not available. Ive spent months working on a website only to then realise the task i want to do can’t actually be done, so in the end i gave up. A few years have pasted since, and i returned in hope i could finally do what i wanted. i was pleased i was able to do what i wanted to do, still a bit hit and miss, but better at least, that was until i hit probably the biggest problem, and the one that i’m gobsmacked about.
I can’t beleive in the year 2023 Wix is still unable to allow website devs to allow their members to upload zip files. Honestly, im lost for words on this.
i can let a member upload a image, audio, video and documents one by one no problem, which i suppose is good. But if a member needs to (and i do need them to) upload a file which contains an image, audio, video and documents, in one file, such as a ZIP file then im out of luck.
Please tell me im wrong, if not then my website has just crashed and burned. :frowning: