Using AWS (or other external database) with CMS?

How does using an external database like AWS impact the wix-data/CMS quotas/limitations?

Currently using EditorX, but it seems like all EditorX sites will soon be transitioned to WixStudio

What are you trying to achieve:

I’m super excited to see that the “Elite” Wix Studio plan has Unlimited media storage, but since it also limits the CMS items to 100,000, I’m considering using an external database to prevent issues when my collections reach 100,000 items.

The Wix documentation on integrating external databases says that “The collection storage quota doesn’t apply to external databases.” (source: Wix doc: Develop Custom Websites)

Does anyone know …
(1) does the collection item limit (example 100,000 items) still apply when using an external database, or can Wix collections have more than 100,000 items since the item content is stored in an external database?
(2) does the 10G collection storage still apply? I’m assuming not since the item contents are stored in an external database?

What have you already tried:
I’ve read these documents and Wix forum posts but still not sure how using an external database impacts the CMS quotas:

Additional information:
All in all, I’m trying to figure out how to have more than 100,000 items in a collection, and trying to see if using an external database like AWS will work (or if the only option is to upgrade to an Enterprise plan).

THANKS, FORUM TEAM!! :slight_smile:

There is no limit on Wix side for external collections. Cloud provider limits will apply. You can read my post about how to integrate Firestore with Wix.

Connect Google Cloud Firestore to Wix (External DB Collection)

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Thanks @loeiks , your response and Firestore example are extremely helpful!

Is the read/write times still limited by data request monthly limit?

Unfortunately, it sounds like they still are limited by read/write requests since we are forced to use the WixData API to work even with external databases. So even though it seems like using an external database will get us pass the CMS item limit, we’re still beholden to all of the other Wix data limitations including read/write limits.

Using an external database like AWS can have several benefits, especially when it comes to managing large amounts of data in your CMS. It can help prevent issues when your collections reach the limit of 100,000 items in WixStudio, as you mentioned. By offloading some of the data to an external database, you can potentially reduce the strain on your CMS and ensure smoother performance.

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When integrating an external database with your CMS, it’s essential to consider the impact on your website’s quotas and limitations. While using AWS can provide flexibility and scalability, it’s crucial to ensure that your Acumatica implementation is done correctly to avoid any compatibility or performance issues.

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