Set my main store app as hidden (not collapsed to avoid shifting around…) It would be nice to have access to some hook that lets the server handle this type of logic and serve the correct components right away and then cache it for future requests <3
My current implementation is most likely really bad for performance but necessary for our use case…
Oh well, one day…!
Any plans on getting something similar to the shopify storefront api live on wix?
I want to be able to build my own frontend in nextjs. A headless approach. I understand that it is already doable, but i would like to avoid the checkout, payment processing, shipping, discounts, taxes headache & utilise all the wonderful apis wix offer.
The nice thing with the storefront api, is that they handle the whole checkout process + shipping/taxes, leaving the frontend totally customizable, less bloaty
Thank you for sharing and yes there are TONS of things in the works all the time. So much so that I can’t even really say one way or the other at the moment, but part of my job in devrel is to keep tabs on what our developers are doing/thinking about/wishing for so just taking a note for now so I can advocate