Vertical menu change colour on hover


Im trying to get the vertical menu on my site to change colour as the mouse moves across it, is it possible to achieve with code?

This feature is not currently supported with code. You might be able to accomplish this in the configuration of the menu in the Editor. If you need further details or clarification, I would recommend contacting Wix Customer Care , as they know best.

Hey Yisrael, thanks for your response. I’ve spoke to the editor x team a few times one person said it was doable another referred me to here, advice was a bit confusing!

Do you know if it might be possible to turn a vertical text box into a makeshift menu that hovers?

@renfro08 You could create your own menu using a Box , although not as simple as using a standard menu.

Perhaps the mega menu example might give you some ideas on how to create your own customizable menu.

And again, Wix Customer Care might be able to help.