Video Upload button ERROR {SOLVED}

HI Guys,

I`ve been coding a form foe my site and all is ok apart from the video upload button i get a file not supported message even though i set file type as “video”

On the same form i have used the same technique for image uploads and its perfect just the video i have this error.

I was wondering what i have missed here as all the forum posts seem to say this is ok ?



// Video Function
$w("#videoUploadbutton").fileType = "Video";
export function videoUploadbutton_change(event) {
 if($w("#videoUploadbutton").value.length > 0) {
    $w("#videoText").text = "Uploading " + $w("#videoUploadbutton").value[0].name;
      .then( (uploadedFile) => {
        $w("#videoText").text = "Upload successful";
        $w("#videoPlayer").src = uploadedFile.url;
        $w("#myCheckinsdataset").setFieldValue("videoUrl", uploadedFile.url)
      .catch( (uploadError) => {
        $w("#videoText").text = "File upload error";
        console.log("File upload error: " + uploadError.errorCode);
 else {
    $w("#videoText").text = "Please choose a file to upload.";

Hey Dan, try something for me, and let’s see if it works. Put the line with

$w("#videoUploadbutton").fileType ="Video"; 

into the $w.onReady() function that should be at the start of the page. You’re probably going to need to have a reference to the $w function to be able to access the fileType of an element in the Wix Editor.

HI @Chris Derrell

heres the full code i moved it to what i think is in the on ready function but still the same

is this right?

Whats strange is when i look in the collection it actually uploads the video ??? its there in collection just the error is there ?



import wixUsers from 'wix-users';
import wixData from 'wix-data';
import wixLocation from 'wix-location';

let user = wixUsers.currentUser;
let userId =;           // "r5cme-6fem-485j-djre-4844c49"
let isLoggedIn = user.loggedIn; // true

$w.onReady(async function () {

$w("#videoUploadbutton").fileType = "Video";

 await wixData.query("Members/PrivateMembersData")
    .then( (results) => {
      $w('#firstNametextbox').value = results.items[0].firstName;
        $w('#lastNametextbox').value = results.items[0].lastName;
          $w('#emailAddresstextbox').value = results.items[0].loginEmail;
            $w('#phoneNumberTextbox').value = results.items[0].mainPhone;
  } );

// Video Function
$w("#videoUploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Select Photo";  // "Button label text of button on load"
export function videoUploadbutton_change(event) {
  $w("#videoUploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Test After Change";  // "Button label text after change"
 if($w("#videoUploadbutton").value.length > 0) {
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Uploading" //+ $w("#videoUploadbutton").value[0].name; "If you want to add something more to it"
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").startUpload() // "Tells Wix to start the upload and hold it as object before submission"
      .then( (uploadedFile) => {
      .catch( (uploadError) => {
        $w("#videoUploadbutton").buttonLabel = "File upload error";
        console.log("File upload error: " + uploadError.errorCode);
 else {
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Select Photo";

// Front Photo Function
$w("#frontPhotouploadbutton").fileType = "Image"; //
$w("#frontPhotouploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Select Photo";  // "Button label text of button on load"

export function frontPhotouploadbutton_change(event) {
  $w("#frontPhotouploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Test After Change";  // "Button label text after change"
 if($w("#frontPhotouploadbutton").value.length > 0) {
    $w("#frontPhotouploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Uploading" //+ $w("#frontPhotouploadbutton").value[0].name; "If you want to add something more to it"
    $w("#frontPhotouploadbutton").startUpload() // "Tells Wix to start the upload and hold it as object before submission"
      .then( (uploadedFile) => {
        $w("#frontPhotouploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Upload successful"; // "Button label once upload in complete"
        $w("#frontPhotoclient").src = uploadedFile.url; // "Gets a Wix URL from .src file, doesnt appear to be a normal URL"
        $w("#myCheckinsdataset").setFieldValue("frontImageUrl", uploadedFile.url)
      .catch( (uploadError) => {
        $w("#frontPhotouploadbutton").buttonLabel = "File upload error";
        console.log("File upload error: " + uploadError.errorCode);
 else {
    $w("#frontPhotouploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Select Photo";

export function submitCheckinbutton_click(event) {

  $w('#myCheckinsdataset').setFieldValue('firstName', $w('#firstNametextbox').value);
    $w('#myCheckinsdataset').setFieldValue('lastName', $w('#lastNametextbox').value);
      $w('#myCheckinsdataset').setFieldValue('emailAddress', $w('#emailAddresstextbox').value);
        $w('#myCheckinsdataset').setFieldValue('weightInKg', $w('#weightTextbox').value);
           $w('#myCheckinsdataset').setFieldValue('fat', $w('#bodyFattextbox').value);
            $w('#myCheckinsdataset').setFieldValue('phoneNumber', $w('#phoneNumberTextbox').value);
              $w('#myCheckinsdataset').setFieldValue('howDidYouFeelThisWeek', $w('#commentsTextbox').value);
                $w('#myCheckinsdataset').setFieldValue('frontPhoto', $w('#frontPhotoclient').src);

    console.log("Data Entered")"/home");


Anyone know what this is ? ive been trying now for 2 days all i get is the Error that

File upload error: -7751

My Check In
Line 273

MP4 files are not supported

Do i need to use a different type of button for video ? or how do i turn off the validation that its looking for image???

I have this in my On ready section

// On Ready Functions
  $w.onReady(async function () {
 // Data Query On Ready
 await wixData.query("Members/PrivateMembersData")
    .then( (results) => {
      $w('#firstNametextbox').value = results.items[0].firstName;
        $w('#lastNametextbox').value = results.items[0].lastName;
          $w('#emailAddresstextbox').value = results.items[0].loginEmail;
            $w('#phoneNumberTextbox').value = results.items[0].mainPhone;
              console.log("This is " + $w('#firstNametextbox').value + " " + $w('#lastNametextbox').value + " his email is " + $w('#emailAddresstextbox').value + " & his phone number is " + "+" + $w('#phoneNumberTextbox').value)

 // Video On ready Function
    console.log("Video upload text length =" + " " + $w("#videoUploadbutton").value.length + " " + "(No photo selected)");
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").fileType = "Video"; // File type selector
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Upload Video";  // "Button label text of button on load"
 if( $w("#videoClient").hidden ) {
 else {

and this as the export function its the same set up thats works perfect for images just wont accept videos

// Video Upload Button Function
 export function videoUploadbutton_change(event) {
    console.log("back photo upload text length =" + " " + $w("#videoUploadbutton").value.length + " " + "(photo selected)");
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Uploading Please Wait...." //+ $w("#videoUploadbutton").value[0].name; "If you want to add something more to it"
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").startUpload() // "Tells Wix to start the upload and hold it as object before submission"
    .then( (uploadedFile) => {
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").style.backgroundColor = "#FA9869"
    .then( ( ) => {
    console.log("Right side client photo shown");
    .then( ( ) => {
    console.log("Right side example photo faded");
    $w("#rightSidephotoclient").fitMode = "fit"
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Upload successful"; // "Button label once upload in complete"
    $w("#videoClient").src = uploadedFile.url; // "Gets a Wix URL from .src file, doesnt appear to be a normal public URL"
 //$w("#myCheckinsdataset").setFieldValue("rightSideImageUrl", uploadedFile.url) // This way creates a image in collection but as a WIX URL but you see an image
 let src = $w("#rightSidephotoclient").src; 
 let videoPublicurlLink = "" + src.split("/")[3]; // Converts the WIX URL to a public URL
    $w("#myCheckinsdataset").setFieldValue("videoUrl", videoPublicurlLink) // This will upload the converted public URL to a URL field in collection.
    console.log(videoPublicurlLink); // Just a checker so we can see whats happening in the log.
    .catch( (uploadError) => {
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").buttonLabel = "File upload error";
    $w('#videoErrortext').text = uploadError.errorDescription
    console.log("File upload error: " + uploadError.errorCode);

HI i just solved this issue myself.

this line of code needs to go just under your export function to make it work.

$w("#videoUploadbutton").fileType = "Video"; // File type selector
// Video Upload Button Function
 export function videoUploadbutton_change(event) {
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").fileType = "Video"; // File type selector
    console.log("back photo upload text length =" + " " + $w("#videoUploadbutton").value.length + " " + "(photo selected)");
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Uploading Please Wait...." //+ $w("#videoUploadbutton").value[0].name; "If you want to add something more to it"
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").startUpload() // "Tells Wix to start the upload and hold it as object before submission"
    .then( (uploadedFile) => {
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").style.backgroundColor = "#FA9869"
    .then( ( ) => {
    console.log("Right side client photo shown");
    .then( ( ) => {
    console.log("Right side example photo faded");
    $w("#rightSidephotoclient").fitMode = "fit"
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Upload successful"; // "Button label once upload in complete"
    $w("#videoClient").src = uploadedFile.url; // "Gets a Wix URL from .src file, doesnt appear to be a normal public URL"
 //$w("#myCheckinsdataset").setFieldValue("rightSideImageUrl", uploadedFile.url) // This way creates a image in collection but as a WIX URL but you see an image
 let src = $w("#rightSidephotoclient").src; 
 let videoPublicurlLink = "" + src.split("/")[3]; // Converts the WIX URL to a public URL
    $w("#myCheckinsdataset").setFieldValue("videoUrl", videoPublicurlLink) // This will upload the converted public URL to a URL field in collection.
    console.log(videoPublicurlLink); // Just a checker so we can see whats happening in the log.
    .catch( (uploadError) => {
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").buttonLabel = "File upload error";
    $w('#videoErrortext').text = uploadError.errorDescription
    console.log("File upload error: " + uploadError.errorCode);

You dont need it in the onready section like this

 // Video On ready Function
    console.log("Video upload text length =" + " " + $w("#videoUploadbutton").value.length + " " + "(No video selected)");
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").fileType = "Video"; // File type selector
    $w("#videoUploadbutton").buttonLabel = "Upload Video";  // "Button label text of button on load"
 if( $w("#videoClient").hidden ) {
 else {

Hey Dan, just getting to look back at this, glad to hear you solved the main issue with the file type!

@chris-derrell no probs thanks for your help