I have the below code and I don’t understand the results I’m getting. There are two issues: I get one count using setInterval (correct count), another count if using dataset onReady, and no count using setInterval if I hit the browser refresh button. I created code to getTotalCount of a dataset and display counts in a text in the header just to see the counts. See below:
import wixUsers from 'wix-users';
import { session } from 'wix-storage-frontend';
import wixData from 'wix-data';
let user = wixUsers.currentUser;
$w.onReady(function () {
// update header text based on interval
setInterval(function () {
$w('#textGroupSelectedName').text = session.getItem("groupAdminName");
$w('#textCustomerCount1').text = $w("#dataset13").getTotalCount().toString();
// above line initiallhy results in 2 which the the correct filtered count
// however, if I hit the browser refresh button the resulting count is 0
}, 1000);
// when header user full dataset is ready (user login email text is updated)
$w("#dataset21").onReady(() => { // this is the user full dataset to get loged in email
// header text
$w('#textGroupEmail').text = session.getItem("groupEmail"); // get login email
// $w('#textGroupEmail').text is connected to user full dataset in header
// set customer profile dataset filter
let userEmail = $w('#textHeaderEmail').text;
// save user login email to session variable
session.setItem("groupEmail", userEmail);
// filter dataset based on matching email
.eq('customerEmail', userEmail)
// show repeater and update header dataset count
$w("#dataset13").onReady(() => {
$w('#textCustomerCount2').text = $w("#dataset13").getTotalCount().toString();
// above line results in 5 which is total dataset population not the filtered count
Site is in development but is published. I’m using Wix Editor in desktop mode and the purpose is to store the signon user email in a session variable in order to use the stored value as a parameter in queries thoughout the site. My browser is Brave (Chromium based) and I’m running on Linux Manjaro.
Please help!