I am trying to update a record on the backend, passing the options params with suppressAuth = true but still getting WD_PERMISSION_DENIED.
What is going on? This used to work. Function being called onAfterUpdate event.
async function updateInscricao ( item ) {
let options = {
“suppressAuth” : true ,
“suppressHooks” : true
**await** wixData . update ( "InscricaoTb" , item , options ). then (( results ) => {
logData ( "updateInscricao ok" , results );
}). **catch** (( err ) => {
logData ( "updateInscricao error" , err );
Code above used to work, but now it generates an error with: WD_PERMISSION_DENIED
I was only able to run this successfully after changing table permission to Update = Anyone. Which should not be necessary due to SupressAuth = true.