Website buttons do not re-direct anymore

The buttons on the menu of our website stopped working without a reason as we didn’t make any change to our website.
Essentially, when clicking on the buttons, the URL changes in the address bar (to what it should be), but the page doesn’t load.

The boltJS crashes on the onUrlChange event when we click any header button navigating to a different page.

We spent the day trying to contact Wix support. Waited 2 x 2hrs on the phone for their advanced support and twice they told us ‘we will investigate’ and they place us back in the waiting queue.

Has this happened to anyone? How could we fix this?


this looks like it’s the issue with Wix. I’d recommend creating a support ticket here , include the description of the issue, screenshots of the console errors, and the name of the site.

In this case, Wix will have all the required information for investigation and be able to fix the issue asap.

Thanks! We did that yesterday with screenshots, error log etc. Still waiting for them to come back to us though… Fingers crossed. Thanks!

I have a same error and can’t fix it. If you have successfully fixed the error please share with me, I really need to solve this problem.

Thank a lot.