Website Feedback

New Website
I have created a copycat standard website to Editor X and love it.
I am retired and my hobby is photography. During the lockdown I decided to build the EditorX. It’s all about Photography. Please check it out and give me feed back as I would love to redesign it, any suggestions.
Be honest.

Site looks cool and envious of the images (need to start on the traveling). Only real feedback I can think of might be the best color as depending on the what’s in the background, it’s a little hard to read.

Also, not sure where you may want to lead visitors, but a Call-to-Action is always great so you drive people do interact with the site.

You can also ask in the Facebook group if you want more feedback and insight.

Appreciate your comments.
I changed the Font and it looks better already.
I am not sure what type of Call to Action to add?

what do you think about “check the recent trip photos!” or something like this?
afterwards new page with photos could have some interesting animation, so you visitors will be exited to check more albums (at the end of the page you can add one more CTA button, so the navigation will be easier for your visitors)

Thank you for your advice. The website has a page on Facebook and this is where we announce change and additions to the website.
I do have two navigation buttons at the end of the galleries, maybe I would relocate them to the top of the galleries. A good idea , thank you.
I am now trying to learn how to add a blog and that is a job and a half, but ill get there. I need to design one that will complement the website.:tea: